It’s fascinating watching the american media covering the Presidential race. Well, not so much fascinating as mind-blowing as its so blatantly obvious that the media is pulling their own agenda in regards to whom are eligible as the next candidates. As such, a candidate like Ron Paul gets next to no coverage whatsoever.
I believe the reason is, is that Ron Paul threatens the establishment. As is plainly obvious, the corporations of America have taken controlled of its government, and the way they did it was not hard at all. Bribery is legal, campaign donations are legal, and only come if the candidate or party they donate to propagate their viewpoints. This upper level of society has in a way usurped power from the democracy. Such as the military industrial complex, that FDR warned Americans about 50 years ago, that thrives on perpetual war. They will fight tooth and nail before any troops are ever called home. They make too much money from death and destruction to care about spending trillions of dollars that America doesn’t have. Like the food giants who make it ever difficult for small farmers to get their products to market, and use dangerous chemicals to streamline the food production system that threaten the lives of millions. Ron Paul threatens everything that doesn’t make sense, and that is why he gets no coverage at all.
Ron Paul’s mission is to cut the waste out of government. He wants to bring the troops home from Afghanistan and Iraq, and the 250,000 other troops stationed around the world for no reason. This costs a huge amount of money, and is no longer required. He wants to cut down on the size of the government, to only its essential functions and leave the rest to the private sector.
In a way, I understand why these corporations act the way they do. They act only in their own self-interest. Much as we all would. We act and do the things we do so that we can have a paycheck, food and a home etc. Except in their case, they are beholden to shareholders who demand more money than the last quarter. We, as humans always want more, and bigger or both. Notice how we keep building bigger cities, and taller buildings decade after decade, we are all over-compensating for something. Now, while I understand it, I don’t excuse it. They need to wake up and smell the roses and adhere to the will of the people as you are supposed to in a democracy.But through the continued lobbying of politicians and their parties, they continue to get what they want and will continue to do so until people wake up and have their voices drown out the donations of corporations, which is a very tall order.
Ron Paul is the one contender who has never changed his viewpoints for the sake of an audience. He doesn’t try to sugarcoat his message or dumb it down. He says what he believes in, and he says exactly what he will do once he’s in office. He’s not afraid to discuss any topic and give his own take on it. Agree with him, or disagree with him, it doesn’t matter. That’s the way a politician should act. That’s whats been missing from government for so long. I can’t ever remember a time (but I am only 26) where a politician was so candid, honest and even ready to admit his shortcomings.
Just read this open letter that Ron Paul wrote himself, and see for yourself how different a politician this man is from the rest of the crowd. Then check out the funny video of the Daily Shows take on the media ignoring Ron Paul.
I am inspired by the Occupy Wall St movement that has cropped up while I have written this blog post. I only hope that it doesn’t get hijacked by other parties with their own interests at heart, much like the tea party was in its infancy a few years ago. The founder of the tea party disavowed the party saying that it had been hijacked, read the following quote:
“It began as a movement to take back the United States from corrupt politicians. The Tea Party movement has been hijacked by Republicans and is now all about guns, gods and gays. Karl Denninger of The Market Ticker was one of the original founders of the Tea Party and calls the direction of the group an absolute joke.” – Karl Denninger
What does the future hold? Does Ron Paul stand a chance, or will a dim-witted talking points politician again take the reins of the Presidency, and democracy wither away ever more? I would like to hear other people’s opinion on this, leave a comment and lets gets a good discussion going.
Until next week.
Filed under: Economics, Future, Governance, Politics